Our Core Values
The atmosphere at Weatherfield Academy is calm, happy and purposeful. The students are often commended for their politeness, manners and helpfulness following educational visits such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award activities and work experience in the community. This is part of our ‘Weatherfield Way’.
We actively promote diversity and the celebration of different cultures and beliefs. The whole academy takes part in Anti-Bullying Week each year, as well as regular whole school assemblies and festivals to encourage thoughtfulness and making ‘right choices’ with others.

Mutual respect is integral to daily life at Weatherfield Academy. Our weekly celebration assemblies each Friday enable us to share everyone’s achievements within the academy and also, their contributions to the community.
We feel it is paramount that every child and young person has a voice and is heard. Our Leadership Ladder scheme, School Council, Eco-Monitors, Fair Trade, Playground Pals and International Schools’ groups allow all students to feel empowered and valued.
We foster social skills, effective communication and tolerance every day in our curriculum. How to instigate and maintain healthy relationships is taught and the importance of kindness, fairness and inclusion are key aspects of our learning.

Our vibrant, multi-sensory curriculum, Lunchtime Clubs, educational visits, residential visits and close partnerships with local businesses, charities and groups enrich opportunities to develop new skills.

Weatherfield Academy is all about what you can do and not what you cannot do. Trying your best, resilience and perseverance are encouraged by providing tasks which are achievable independently to develop self-assurance and self-belief. All young people are encouraged to reach their potential to support them in the next stage of their lives.

This half term, our Weatherfield value is:
Last half term, our Weatherfield Value was:
Last half term, our class winners were:​​​
LFM - Zachy
LAG - Scarlett
LAH - Leona
LGA - Jayden
LIS - Leo
4SQ - Libby
4AS - Archie
4JL - Lucy E
4MH - Ellis
4JW - Lucy
5KP - Shannon
5CA - Jadaeleigh
5SD - Charlotte
5EM - Lucas
5WK - Nick
5IF - Clem