Learning Pathway
Lower School
‘Ready for Independence’
Students in the Lower School access History and Geography through their ‘Creative Curriculum’ lessons. Students will develop their geographical and historical skills in line with the National Curriculum (NC). Students will focus on:
Recognising the distinction between past and present in their own life and the lives of others
Placing events and objects in chronological order
Using common words and phrases relating to the passing of time
Identifying events and people in the past
Beginning to recognise that the past can be seen in different ways
Using sources of information to find out about the past
Recounting episodes from stories about the past
Begin to pick historical artefacts out from collections of items
Asking geographical questions
Talking about people and places using simple geographical vocabulary
Developing basic fieldwork skills
Using globes, maps and plans
Using primary and secondary sources of information
Recognising and comparing places of study
Recognising physical and human features
Discussing where places are located
Recognising and understanding changes in the environment and how they can be improved.
Key Stage 4
'Ready for My Future'
Students in Key Stage 4 will be continuing and improving on set skills acquired on their journey through the school, in both History and Geography. Pupils will be encouraged, where possible, to be independent in their decision-making.
In History, pupils will be finding out about what has happened in the past to shape our society and how people's decision-making, now, affects us. Where possible, student’s English lessons may link to their History lessons.
Students will continue to question and make observations during lessons, offering opportunities for discussions. They will be empowered to take ownership of their own research and enquiries.
In Geography, pupils will be learning about different environments, discussing problems and offering solutions. They will be studying how population changes and how decision-making makes an impact on the world we live in.
Students will continue to question and make observations during lessons, offering opportunities for discussions. They will be empowered to carry out their own independent fieldwork enquiry.
Key Stage 5
'Ready for Work'
History and Geography are offered as an option in Key Stage 5. Students discuss as a class which topics they would like to cover, in both History and Geography. They will continue and improve on the set skills acquired in Key Stage 4.
For those students who do not choose History or Geography as an option, we have cross-curricular links throughout our curriculum. We celebrate key events together throughout the year, such as Black History Month, International Women's Day, Fairtrade Fortnight, Poppy Day, Remembrance and VE Day.
Historical topics will be embedded throughout different subjects and celebrated together, such as war with our English lessons, the history of different Artists and cultures etc. We celebrate Weatherfield’s history and that of our local community.
Students will be practising life skills, planning journeys and visits, using public transport.
Throughout the PE curriculum, students will use geography skills obtained to navigate in new settings and take part in orienteering activities, using compasses and navigating skills.
Curriculum Content
Curriculum content shows the topics that each key stage will be working on for the year. Click the key stage you wish to preview.
Enrichment Opportunities
See below links for further opportunities for your child to progress their learning in History.
Land of the Romans (National Museums Scotland)
National History Museum (Try This At Home)
Enrichment Opportunities
See below links for further opportunities for your child to progress their learning in Geography.
If you would like further information about our Humanities curriculum please contact Mrs A Harper, Leader of Humanities via the Academy office or by email: aharper@weatherfield.beds.sch.uk