Key Stage 5 (6th Form)
There are currently five classes in Key Stage 5 (6th Form), 5SD, 5EM, 5IF, 5WK and 5CA consisting of 43 pupils.

Mr Dawkins
Class Teacher

Miss Ridout
Teaching Assistant

Miss Mohammed
Class Teacher

Miss Dickinson
Teaching Assistant

Mrs Ferguson
Class Teacher
Mr Caughie
Teaching Assistant

Mrs Ainsworth
Class Teacher

Mrs Chruch
Class Teacher

Mrs Kurowska
Teaching Assistant

Mr Kydd
Class Teacher

Mr Harding
Teaching Assistant

Mr Madden
Teaching Assistant
About Key Stage 5
"Ready for Work"
The main focus in Key Stage 5 is to prepare our young people to be ‘ready for work;’ this includes furthering their education, preparing for college, apprenticeships, supported internships and work placements.
Students can stay in Key Stage 5 for 1, 2 or 3 years in years 12, 13 and 14. During this time we develop their academic, functional and life skills in preparing them for their next stage.
Life skills linked to employment, independent living, community and inclusion and health are at the forefront of our curriculum under the Preparing for Adulthood theme. Support and guidance are the keys for students and their families in transition from Weatherfield Academy to ensure they have the capacity to be as independent as possible in all areas.
The students build on all the skills they have learned during their journey at Weatherfield Academy and continue to develop them to the best they can, these include: -
Structured routine offering personalised learning to meet the needs of each individual student
Self-belief, confidence and self-esteem continue to be nurtured for all students
Managing emotions and feelings as our young people grow up is vital in self-development
We expect all students to ‘try their best’ at all times
We expect all students to be respectful to everyone around them
Curriculum Content
Our option subjects include:
Creative Arts including Dance, Drama and Art
College Café work experience
Houghton Hall work experience
Employability and Personal Social Development (PSD)
Site maintenance
Life Skills and Cookery
Entry Level PE/Walking Football
Horticulture/Animal Care
Hair and Beauty
Duke of Edinburgh
Swimming/Independent Travel
Self-Management, Conduct and Rewards
Key Stage 5 students enjoy celebrating their week every Friday. Students achieve certificates, green cards and house points for all their hard work and efforts across the whole curriculum both educationally and socially.
Each class celebrates the house points achieved and the students get to choose their different reward activities which can include: - playing games, football, computer games and enjoying some well-deserved free time. Certificates of achievement are issued to students to celebrate their individual and class successes.