Our Medical Room
About Our Medical Room
In our medical room, we look after the first aid, medical and personal care needs of the students. It is important that parents provide the school with full information about health and medical matters to do with their child. These should be identified on the Admission form when your child joins the school. If diagnosed later, please remember to inform the school.
Administration of Medicines
If your child needs medication to be administered during the school day, parents will need to complete the 'Administration of Medication' form at the bottom of the page. The school can only administer medication if it has been prescribed by a doctor and is clearly labelled with the child's name. Any medication that has to be kept in school, for example, inhalers or epi-pens, parents must ensure they are in date, as we will not administer medication that has passed its expiry date.
Our Medical Room Team

Miss Hanley and Miss Hoare
Click below to view important information regarding pupil medication and guidance on infection control in schools.
Please click on the relevant buttons below to download a copy.