Our KS3 trip to Marston Vale yesterday brought our Enchanted Woodlands topic to a close. We enjoyed the activities that were on offer, including bug hunting, pond dipping and a scavenger hunt!
During the bug hunting we used nets to find lots of different insects in the woodlands including woodlouse, ants, spiders, slugs, snails and much, much more. We then used a magnifying glass to look at the appearance of each insect.
I really enjoyed the trip because I did new things. I've never taken part in pond dipping and bug hunting before!
Pond dipping was just as exciting, doing a figure of 8 in the water to scoop out pond creatures including pond skaters, water boatman, newts and water snails. Students were able to look at the appearance of each pond creature. Most of us somehow managed to stay dry!
I enjoyed the trip because I caught a newt when pond dipping.
Next half term our topic is Moon Zoom where we look at how to make model spaceships and work out which is the best material to go into space! We will be taking part in lots of experiments all led by the students.